Thursday, June 5, 2008

I pledge allegiance...blah, blah

So Jesus for President changed my life.
I feel like I should start with that. That book has shaped how I feel about this country and where it should stand when God is thrown in. Too many times the church wants to place country and God right next to each other. It's starting to bother me. So at the back of the book the authors have written a new pledge. It's super long, but I wanted to write just a bit of it because I think it's important to remember who has our allegiance first and foremost. This tiny bit may still be a little long. haha

Today we pledge our ultimate allegiance to the kingdom of God, we pledge allegiance.

To a peace that is not like Rome's, we pledge allegiance.

To the gospel of enemy-love, we pledge allegiance.

To the kingdom of the poor and broken, we pledge allegiance.

To a king who loves his enemies so much he died for them, we pledge allegiance.

To the least of these, with whom Christ dwells, we pledge allegiance.

To the transnational church that transcends the artificial borders of nations, we pledge allegiance.

To the refugee of Nazareth, we pledge allegiance.

To the homeless rabbi who had no place to lay his head, we pledge allegiance.

To the cross rather than the sword, we pledge allegiance.

To the banner of love above any flag, we pledge allegiance.

To the one who rules with a towel rather than an iron fist, we pledge allegiance.

To the one who rides a donkey rather than a war horse, we pledge allegiance.

To the revolution that sets both oppressed and oppressors free, we pledge allegiance.

To the way that leads to life, we pledge allegiance.

To the slaughtered Lamb, we pledge allegiance.

And together we proclaim his praises, from the margins of the empire to the centers of wealth and power.

Long live the slaughtered Lamb!

I long to live this life. I long to live a life that sees Jesus as the ultimate authority instead of America. May Pax Americana never take hold of my heart and my life. May they always be striving to please only you, Jesus


Veronica said...

"Labels: Jesus, politics, rant"

Haha. I found this so amusing.

Good words, my friend. First and foremost I serve the King of kings. So true.

Kayti said...

I do believe this is the greatest thing you have ever written. we pretty much have the same heart, this aspect.
not to mention, you totally inspired me to blog again. and I haven't written in a terribly long time...which is sad...cause i actually love to write!

Sarah said...

Shane Claiborne is a beast. You are beast. Good words my friend.
---"and im the member of God's family who gets to look for Jesus in politics" well done brotha!

ps--"To the gospel of enemy-love, we pledge allegiance."
Amen. Im going to a menonite bible study about pacifism tonight- this should be interesting.